My Motto

"Strive for your calling."

Friday, January 8, 2016

The One who Brought us the bean

The guy with the bean

I am sitting around the fire, eating my warm bowl of soup as the three around me analyze the bean that I had let them see. Sure, I had just met these people, but they seemed to be expecting me and I had been looking for a group called them. This just seemed like I found them....I hope.  

"We have deducted that this is in fact the bean that Coco had. Did you meet her? Do you know where she went?" Al finally asked me having still not explained who they were or why they wanted the bean.

"Who? Coco? The mysterious girl with red eyes that gave me the bean?"

"That sounds like her alright." the young girl chirped in.

"We wouldn't really say we met...she more so gave me the bean and told me to leave...told me to go...South and to find them and Oliver..."

"Oliver! Well, it really was her then. Well boy, did you find him?" Al asked as the other two looked over expectantly.

"Well no...I was going South when I stumbled upon your abode. I just accidentally found your place."

"Accidentally? Stumbled? Oh it's worse than we thought Pa!" the girl explained to Al and immediately I tensed up. What was happening? It's worse than we thought? WHAT?!

"So...I don't wanna dilly dally and waste y'alls time, but you still haven't explained who you are...or whats going on? Why did this Coco break into my house, tell me to go South, and give me this bean?"

"Ah, we have a lot of explaining to do and all of it will come in due time, but let's start with our names. I've told you already I'm Al, but most people call me Pa." Al explained and then gestured to the other two.

"I'm Joe and this is my sister River." Joe explained as River smiled politely, "And you are..." River began, but then a door that I had just noticed opened and a girl walked out followed closely behind by what appeared to be an injured boy. River jumped up and went over to hug the girl, Joe offered a seat to the two, and Al extended his hand to the boy.

"Oh good, it's nice for you two to finally join us Julianna. Hello there Winston, I'm Al." Al reached his hand out to shake Winston's. Winston half smiles and accepts it.

"You know who I am?"  

"Of course we do, Winston. We've had Julianna watching over you for the past few years...well give or take that one year where she went missing." River explained in a dance-like manner as she seemed to hover around them.

"Watch over me? What?"

"Before we get too much into the story it's time for you to meet our other guest Winston...this is the one who brought us the bean!" Winston and I shook hands and I felt oddly ashamed that they were expecting me, but didn't seem to know my name, but had someone watching Winston and seemed to know his name. Was bringing this bean to them all I am worth? As I contemplated all I had heard, I retook a seat next to Winston and Julianna.

"I'm sure you boys are wondering why you are here and what's going on. Did you explain anything to Winston, Jules?" River asked bringing soup over to Winston.

"Not yet, but he knows what coffee tastes like for sure. You were right Pa, Coco had found him too."  Julianna looked admirably at Al.

"Coffee? Yes! That amazing taste...but it almost cost me. Why is it illegal?" Winston asked and my eyes went wide. Coffee? An illegal drink? I had been carrying an illegal bean? What is this? Apparently the others could sense my alarm and River walked over to sit next to me, resting her hand on mine to comfort me.

"It will all be explained soon. Pa I think it's time to tell the Coffee Story. Tell them what happened to the Kingdom. Tell them what Coco is trying to do, how we can help, and what part they have to play." River said and as she said this Julianna looked up.

"Did he find Oliver? Is that not what the first step is?" 

"No...he did not Jules. But, that is okay. They must know. Within time we'll find Oliver and Coco. Tomorrow we will send the messengers to Box Manor to see if they have heard from Oliver. If he's managed to find them then he'll be safe there until Coco finds him. Once she finds him they'll know what to do. Once we are reunited with them then we can plan our next move." Al explained, "Now where to begin our tale? ...Oh yes. It all started ten years prior during at the climax of the Great War."  

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