Days in hiding: 5
The workers explored their new terrain all around them. They had established this area as their new land a few days back, but had to go into hiding at first. They knew that the terrible winter was fast approaching, but they also knew they had to make it to warmth. The Elders predicted a shift in the green trees far above them and knew that the the harsh winds were upon them all. Finn was the first to share their plan with the colony. They would send three of the troops, known as Brothers, and two elders into the warm building at the next opportunity and scope out where their colony could stay...
That had been six days ago. Now they had found a place to live, but their conditions were not the greatest. It was warm there, but there was a constant change of scenery; often rain would fall out of nowhere onto them. This was often the most confusing for the group because they were not aware that it could rain inside. This was truly a strange building they had stumbled into. There appeared to be a giant living near their new location, but he seemed to keep to himself and left their building often. He was the reason they hid.
For 5 days they were hiding to make sure they could live there undetected. Eventually the giant noticed them. They heard him scoff at them, but did not seem to mind them. That was when they knew it was safe. Finn led the others out as they began to explore their new terrain. They began to see where the colony would live, where they could find their food, but the only problem they discovered was there seemed to be a lack of materials to make their fortress for their Queen. They must adapt their living quarters for their royalty if they were going to have their colony join them.
As they began to dissect their plans for establishment a new giant appeared. "What are these pests? I will take care of them." They heard him explain without spending any time getting to know them or asking what they would need. Then they heard it...
They heard the oncoming rain...they waited in anticipation...ready to run and hide from the rain...but it never came...they simply heard a water fall in the distance...
That's when Finn tracked where the sound was escaping from. In this building there appeared to be an indoor swimming area. This would be terrifying for the colony as not many could swim well. They would have to be extra careful when they were having leisure time otherwise they might get stuck in the swimming area. They would not want that. Dealing with giants was enough.
The two elders looked over and noticed a small, clear pool had appeared. They didn't see anyone leave it there, but they noticed that the new giant was gone and the old giant was preoccupied.
Maybe this is a welcoming gift? Maybe they want to celebrate our arrival to their building. Finn thought and as he told the Elders they developed the idea that it would be great to utilize. If this was a gift it was there responsibility to try it out before presenting it to the Queen.
Brother #1 was more cautious than the Elders. He recommended that they wait and see if the pool does anything or how long it stays there, but Finn had a lot of sway with the Elders and he seemed to trust the giants. He was an optimist after all. Finn led the two Elders to the pool and they slowly dipped into it...
...Everything seemed fine at first. They felt warm, relaxed, and at peace. Finn immediately knew their Queen would love this. The Elders started to brainstorm when they would bring the rest of the colony here and where they would live. They took this pool as a sign of goodwill with their giant neighbors. Finn decided to go and get the other Brothers as he wanted them to experience this new relaxing pool; and that is when it happened...
Finn felt a darkness begin to cloud his vision. His skin began to feel tingly from his feet to his hands. He felt a heaviness on his shoulders as he fell to the ground. His legs...all six of them gave out underneath him as he gave into his demise.
Before the other Brothers could notice the death of their fellow Brother or the gradual decline in conversation from their Elders a darkness came over the land. The giant had moved over to their terrain again.
SPLAT. Both of the brothers were wiped up into their demise. Forever gone from this good earth. Dead.
The Queen and her colony would never reach the warmth of the building. They would have to find a new home or retreat underground during this winter season, but they would never see the 5 Ants who ventured into the Office again.
*No Ants were harmed in the writing of this story.
Throughout my life I have always had a desire to write. Throughout different times of life I have felt the inspiration to write a story. I have written a few stories but, have yet to ever finish one. I created this blog to share my different stories with the blogger world in hopes to one day inspire a story that I will finish. These are simply the stories from a man created from dust.
My Motto
"Strive for your calling."
Wednesday, December 14, 2016
Thursday, August 4, 2016
Banjo's Diner
A giant, black, furry mass appeared above our little village suddenly. A cave opened from the black mass and as we hid within our green forest, above our homes, the elders tried to determine if they should enter the cave. Hours went by with still no action. The elders were terrified of this black mass. They had heard about caves appearing and disappearing out of no where for hours at a time in the surrounding villages, but never had they seen one at least not above their own town. I began asking around to see if others had encountered these caves before. Some new residents had spoken of similar caves appearing around their old villages and reporting restaurants that could come and go from the caves. They talked about how often caves would boost the economy, but then suddenly they could vanish without a trace and within months the restaurants would too. Sometimes they would stay, but they didn't often benefit the village for long. It was more of a nuisance than anything else.
I had grown up in our little town in the province of Vernedale all of my life, but I was ready to be sent out, to be commissioned to go and scout other areas, to explore the world. I knew I was not old enough to join the agents, but I felt like I was ready. I wanted to be able to fly with the others. I had begun to earn my wings, but couldn't fly with the agents. Until I could fully earn my wings though I worked among the elders and our Queen, but was not one myself. I helped where I could, but was never allowed to leave the village. This is what led me to have to ask others about these giant masses. I reported my findings to the elders which only caused them to discuss more. This form of government was so inefficient. We took hours on end just to come to one decision and our Queen was more of a moderator than a decision maker.
As they discussed the proper course of action a large brownish blob with hints of green throughout it fell from the cave, landed next to our leaders house and then the black mass was gone. I hesitantly led my group of other young ones still without their wings to check out this new object as the elders conversed on what to do with it and whether or not it would be moved. As we walked close to it we smelled an overwhelmingly intoxicating smell. It smelled like the most delicious food we had ever smelled. The newcomers must have been right about the restaurant theory. As we were about to enter the restaurant to feast we heard a buzzzz and looked up just in time to see the FlyBoys landing upon this new restaurant. FlyBoys were the other agents who could fly. They weren't necessarily our enemies, but they weren't a part of our colony either.
We stepped back just in time to see the head FlyBoy step on the restaurant to taste the food there. It appears to be the restaurant that he was looking for because he beckons the others to join him and glares at me as if to say this is our off young one! One by one the FlyBoys took over this new diner leaving the rest of us to either watch or try to get back to regular life. The elders were then invited to come and taste the food at the diner they were now calling Banjo's Diner--a name they claim just popped into their head after it arrived-- and soon it was completely occupied by all of the members of our village. Because the FlyBoys were the first to land on Banjo's Diner they owned it and "established" it. They had one leader and did not need to wait to discuss how they should do things and so beat our colony to the diner. They claimed they were being generous by allowing us to eat at the diner today, but in the future would charge us. They wanted us to think they were our saviors when in reality they just got to the diner first. It landed in our colony so it should have been ours to claim.
After a few hours of enjoying our feast a dark shadow appeared over our village. At first we assumed it was a flood. Floods were pretty common around here although it had been a few years since we had one in our village. Then we noticed the shadow grew and a ginormous object began descending towards Banjo's diner. Take cover! The Elders yelled as all the agents, young ones, and village people darted away from the diner. Then just as mysteriously as it landed our diner was picked up into this object, it ascending into the clouds, and just like that it was gone with the shadow. The newcomers were right again. Just as it had appeared, it left.
The FlyBoys glared at us, as if our colony caused this disruption and then flew off to gather news from other villages and look for new diners to "establish". The elders retreated to their homes in the forests. I led my group of young ones back to our houses to await another day hoping and wishing for a new encounter. Maybe another diner, maybe the chance to join the agents who fly, either way I knew I was ready for more.
Such is the life of bugs.
A giant, black, furry mass appeared above our little village suddenly. A cave opened from the black mass and as we hid within our green forest, above our homes, the elders tried to determine if they should enter the cave. Hours went by with still no action. The elders were terrified of this black mass. They had heard about caves appearing and disappearing out of no where for hours at a time in the surrounding villages, but never had they seen one at least not above their own town. I began asking around to see if others had encountered these caves before. Some new residents had spoken of similar caves appearing around their old villages and reporting restaurants that could come and go from the caves. They talked about how often caves would boost the economy, but then suddenly they could vanish without a trace and within months the restaurants would too. Sometimes they would stay, but they didn't often benefit the village for long. It was more of a nuisance than anything else.
I had grown up in our little town in the province of Vernedale all of my life, but I was ready to be sent out, to be commissioned to go and scout other areas, to explore the world. I knew I was not old enough to join the agents, but I felt like I was ready. I wanted to be able to fly with the others. I had begun to earn my wings, but couldn't fly with the agents. Until I could fully earn my wings though I worked among the elders and our Queen, but was not one myself. I helped where I could, but was never allowed to leave the village. This is what led me to have to ask others about these giant masses. I reported my findings to the elders which only caused them to discuss more. This form of government was so inefficient. We took hours on end just to come to one decision and our Queen was more of a moderator than a decision maker.
As they discussed the proper course of action a large brownish blob with hints of green throughout it fell from the cave, landed next to our leaders house and then the black mass was gone. I hesitantly led my group of other young ones still without their wings to check out this new object as the elders conversed on what to do with it and whether or not it would be moved. As we walked close to it we smelled an overwhelmingly intoxicating smell. It smelled like the most delicious food we had ever smelled. The newcomers must have been right about the restaurant theory. As we were about to enter the restaurant to feast we heard a buzzzz and looked up just in time to see the FlyBoys landing upon this new restaurant. FlyBoys were the other agents who could fly. They weren't necessarily our enemies, but they weren't a part of our colony either.
We stepped back just in time to see the head FlyBoy step on the restaurant to taste the food there. It appears to be the restaurant that he was looking for because he beckons the others to join him and glares at me as if to say this is our off young one! One by one the FlyBoys took over this new diner leaving the rest of us to either watch or try to get back to regular life. The elders were then invited to come and taste the food at the diner they were now calling Banjo's Diner--a name they claim just popped into their head after it arrived-- and soon it was completely occupied by all of the members of our village. Because the FlyBoys were the first to land on Banjo's Diner they owned it and "established" it. They had one leader and did not need to wait to discuss how they should do things and so beat our colony to the diner. They claimed they were being generous by allowing us to eat at the diner today, but in the future would charge us. They wanted us to think they were our saviors when in reality they just got to the diner first. It landed in our colony so it should have been ours to claim.
After a few hours of enjoying our feast a dark shadow appeared over our village. At first we assumed it was a flood. Floods were pretty common around here although it had been a few years since we had one in our village. Then we noticed the shadow grew and a ginormous object began descending towards Banjo's diner. Take cover! The Elders yelled as all the agents, young ones, and village people darted away from the diner. Then just as mysteriously as it landed our diner was picked up into this object, it ascending into the clouds, and just like that it was gone with the shadow. The newcomers were right again. Just as it had appeared, it left.
The FlyBoys glared at us, as if our colony caused this disruption and then flew off to gather news from other villages and look for new diners to "establish". The elders retreated to their homes in the forests. I led my group of young ones back to our houses to await another day hoping and wishing for a new encounter. Maybe another diner, maybe the chance to join the agents who fly, either way I knew I was ready for more.
Such is the life of bugs.
Tuesday, July 5, 2016
The Fourth of July: Reflections from Geese
The fireworks launched into the sky. The sky shifted from the dark black of night to a bright red hue. Again another BOOM! CRACK! BANG! From red, to green, to blue, to white! So many colors and flashes filled the night.
"WOOOWHOO!!!" The audience screamed louder than the music that played in the background. A blue laser flashed from one person to another. Glow sticks went flying here and there. People sat everywhere: Couples on benches, families on blankets, little children running around, and all the while there were two flocks of geese. Two families lost amidst the festivities that had occupied their home.

"AHRINK! AHRINK!" the female leader of the Ariel Flock, Robyn, sought to communicate the impending danger to the leader of the Found Flock, Lou. She noticed that some of these humans were getting near the babies. "AHONK!" her mate, Mal, shouted at the young humans walking towards their baby. All at once the Ariel Flock rushed down the hill for safety only to be met by more humans. They slowed down and hesitantly began walking towards their pond. Then a few of the younger geese started to get left behind. As soon as Robyn noticed this she directed the flock to turn back and round up the three goslings. "AHRINK!" No one gets left behind from the flock. She instructed just as the Found Flock, led by Lou and her mate Sal, rushed down the hill after them. Once the two groups were together again their bravery began to rise. They felt more certain that they could find shelter in their land. They could bring their goslings to safety.
"HIYA!" A short human with menacing glow sticks in his hands karate-chopped at the two flocks! "AHONK! AHONK!" Mal and Sal extend their necks outward and waved their head and neck back and forth in the air. They were ready to attack this child creature if need be. Lou and Robyn rushed to be near their goslings. The rest of the family crowded close together, extending their necks ready to attack if Mal and Sal set the alarm. The child took another step closer, Mal hissed, the child laughed. Danger was all around them. Then right as the child was about to get too close and right before Mal and Sal attack...
BOOM! BANG! CRACK! The child's attention was diverted to the bright red, white, and blue up in the sky. The flocks immediately darted away from this child once again in search of where they could rest.
What was a fun and festive fourth of July for many humans was in fact a home invasion and disturbance to the Canadian Geese who live there day in and day out during the summer months.
I witnessed these encounters this past Fourth of July and it inspired me to know the story of these Geese. To see how they all stuck together and looked after one another was an inspiration that the Church could really learn from. They didn't let one goose or gosling from their flock get lost. They stuck together. I hope to write more on Canadian Geese and their interactions with Humans in the future. For now these are just my reflections from last evening.
The fireworks launched into the sky. The sky shifted from the dark black of night to a bright red hue. Again another BOOM! CRACK! BANG! From red, to green, to blue, to white! So many colors and flashes filled the night.
"WOOOWHOO!!!" The audience screamed louder than the music that played in the background. A blue laser flashed from one person to another. Glow sticks went flying here and there. People sat everywhere: Couples on benches, families on blankets, little children running around, and all the while there were two flocks of geese. Two families lost amidst the festivities that had occupied their home.

"AHRINK! AHRINK!" the female leader of the Ariel Flock, Robyn, sought to communicate the impending danger to the leader of the Found Flock, Lou. She noticed that some of these humans were getting near the babies. "AHONK!" her mate, Mal, shouted at the young humans walking towards their baby. All at once the Ariel Flock rushed down the hill for safety only to be met by more humans. They slowed down and hesitantly began walking towards their pond. Then a few of the younger geese started to get left behind. As soon as Robyn noticed this she directed the flock to turn back and round up the three goslings. "AHRINK!" No one gets left behind from the flock. She instructed just as the Found Flock, led by Lou and her mate Sal, rushed down the hill after them. Once the two groups were together again their bravery began to rise. They felt more certain that they could find shelter in their land. They could bring their goslings to safety.
"HIYA!" A short human with menacing glow sticks in his hands karate-chopped at the two flocks! "AHONK! AHONK!" Mal and Sal extend their necks outward and waved their head and neck back and forth in the air. They were ready to attack this child creature if need be. Lou and Robyn rushed to be near their goslings. The rest of the family crowded close together, extending their necks ready to attack if Mal and Sal set the alarm. The child took another step closer, Mal hissed, the child laughed. Danger was all around them. Then right as the child was about to get too close and right before Mal and Sal attack...
BOOM! BANG! CRACK! The child's attention was diverted to the bright red, white, and blue up in the sky. The flocks immediately darted away from this child once again in search of where they could rest.
What was a fun and festive fourth of July for many humans was in fact a home invasion and disturbance to the Canadian Geese who live there day in and day out during the summer months.
I witnessed these encounters this past Fourth of July and it inspired me to know the story of these Geese. To see how they all stuck together and looked after one another was an inspiration that the Church could really learn from. They didn't let one goose or gosling from their flock get lost. They stuck together. I hope to write more on Canadian Geese and their interactions with Humans in the future. For now these are just my reflections from last evening.
Thursday, February 4, 2016
He's been Tampered with!
"...and that's how we rescued Julianna from being experimented on, how coffee became illegal, why Coco brought you the bean, why our Kingdom is in ruins, and how the Great War changed everything..." Al concluded his story. As he finished sharing the history of their group Winston looked over at the one who brought us the bean and he appeared to be in some sort of trance.
"Hey man, are you okay?" Winston waved his hands across the one's face and he did nothing. Julianna immediately tensed up and looked towards Joe, River, and Al for guidance. River ran into the darkness in search for something that would help. Joe walked over to the one and started feeling his forehead to see how his skin felt. Al finally sighed.
"It was what I had suspected. He'd been tampered with in the evening, like you had Jules. He can't hear our stories without going into a trance. I had hoped Coco would find him first...but I guess she didn't." Al got a quizzical look on his face and then his face lit up. "River! Get him some coffee."
"Already on it Pa!" she said as she brought over a small, warm cup of coffee. She brought the cup to his lips and slowly poured the coffee down his throat. Within a few minutes he began to reach consciousness.
"Hey man, are you okay?" Winston waved his hands across the one's face and he did nothing. Julianna immediately tensed up and looked towards Joe, River, and Al for guidance. River ran into the darkness in search for something that would help. Joe walked over to the one and started feeling his forehead to see how his skin felt. Al finally sighed.
"It was what I had suspected. He'd been tampered with in the evening, like you had Jules. He can't hear our stories without going into a trance. I had hoped Coco would find him first...but I guess she didn't." Al got a quizzical look on his face and then his face lit up. "River! Get him some coffee."
"Already on it Pa!" she said as she brought over a small, warm cup of coffee. She brought the cup to his lips and slowly poured the coffee down his throat. Within a few minutes he began to reach consciousness.
I looked around as the warm yet bitter liquid gradually settled inside of me. There was something about that drink...that coffee...that had brought me to my senses. I looked around and saw that I was still in this mysterious wooded home, surrounded by strangers who seemed fascinated with this bean that a mysterious woman gave me.
"What happened?" I asked as I began to stretch. It felt like I had been asleep for hours.
"You have been tampered those who are against us and all things coffee." Al explained as River offered me another cup of this interesting brew.
"Tampered with!?" I explained as I accepted the cup and held it towards me for warmth.
"'s a very invasive procedure they do on their prisoners. One where once it has been done to you certain topics will put you into a was discovered during the Great War to prevent prisoners of war from being persuaded to join other forces. They must not want you to know how important you are." River explained
Important I am? Invasive procedure? The Great War? What is happening...Wait how did I even get here? I remember the bean...and needing to find Oliver...but why am I here with Al, River, Joe, Julianna, and Winston...How do I know their names? As I was trying to collect my thoughts Julianna came over and put her hand on my back. "I know it's pretty frightening not knowing how you got places and what you are supposed to do...each time you go into a daze it affects your memory even more. But we will overcome this. In time. If I can overcome it and rescue Winston before they operated on him, then I think you can too." She tried to reassure me, but the more people talked about the situation we were in the more confused I got.
As I was trying to make sense of everything a cat, bird, and mouse all trotted into the room. What is this world coming too...they immediately went over to Al. The cat curled up on his lap, the bird perched on his shoulder, and the mouse jumped up to his hand, spit something into it, and then cuddled down by his feet. Al analyzed the gift from this peculiar trio and discovered it was a letter.
"It's from Box Manor! They wrote to us because they have found Oliver and Coco. Jimmy says something unusual could happen, but since they are both there we should come out of hiding and go see them." Al explained
"Do you think it's really them? So soon...I mean we haven't even contacted them to let them know we have the you think it could be a spy?" Joe asked
"Could be Joe, but we'll never know unless we go right Pa?" River responded.
"Unfortunately you are right. If Jimmy felt he should send the trio then they must have found Oliver and Coco. We'll leave first thing in the morning! Winston, why don't you try and explain to our confused friend where we are going." Al directed his attention to Winston and myself. So Winston took me aside and began to tell me all the complexities of Box Manor, the crew that lived there, and how he couldn't explain why but it was very important that I meet Coco and Oliver.
Friday, January 8, 2016
The One who Brought us the bean
The guy with the bean
I am sitting around the fire, eating my warm bowl of soup as the three around me analyze the bean that I had let them see. Sure, I had just met these people, but they seemed to be expecting me and I had been looking for a group called them. This just seemed like I found them....I hope.
"We have deducted that this is in fact the bean that Coco had. Did you meet her? Do you know where she went?" Al finally asked me having still not explained who they were or why they wanted the bean.
"Who? Coco? The mysterious girl with red eyes that gave me the bean?"
"That sounds like her alright." the young girl chirped in.
"We wouldn't really say we met...she more so gave me the bean and told me to leave...told me to go...South and to find them and Oliver..."
"Oliver! Well, it really was her then. Well boy, did you find him?" Al asked as the other two looked over expectantly.
"Well no...I was going South when I stumbled upon your abode. I just accidentally found your place."
"Accidentally? Stumbled? Oh it's worse than we thought Pa!" the girl explained to Al and immediately I tensed up. What was happening? It's worse than we thought? WHAT?!
"So...I don't wanna dilly dally and waste y'alls time, but you still haven't explained who you are...or whats going on? Why did this Coco break into my house, tell me to go South, and give me this bean?"
"Ah, we have a lot of explaining to do and all of it will come in due time, but let's start with our names. I've told you already I'm Al, but most people call me Pa." Al explained and then gestured to the other two.
"I'm Joe and this is my sister River." Joe explained as River smiled politely, "And you are..." River began, but then a door that I had just noticed opened and a girl walked out followed closely behind by what appeared to be an injured boy. River jumped up and went over to hug the girl, Joe offered a seat to the two, and Al extended his hand to the boy.
"Oh good, it's nice for you two to finally join us Julianna. Hello there Winston, I'm Al." Al reached his hand out to shake Winston's. Winston half smiles and accepts it.
"You know who I am?"
"Of course we do, Winston. We've had Julianna watching over you for the past few years...well give or take that one year where she went missing." River explained in a dance-like manner as she seemed to hover around them.
"Watch over me? What?"
"Before we get too much into the story it's time for you to meet our other guest Winston...this is the one who brought us the bean!" Winston and I shook hands and I felt oddly ashamed that they were expecting me, but didn't seem to know my name, but had someone watching Winston and seemed to know his name. Was bringing this bean to them all I am worth? As I contemplated all I had heard, I retook a seat next to Winston and Julianna.
"I'm sure you boys are wondering why you are here and what's going on. Did you explain anything to Winston, Jules?" River asked bringing soup over to Winston.
"Not yet, but he knows what coffee tastes like for sure. You were right Pa, Coco had found him too." Julianna looked admirably at Al.
"Coffee? Yes! That amazing taste...but it almost cost me. Why is it illegal?" Winston asked and my eyes went wide. Coffee? An illegal drink? I had been carrying an illegal bean? What is this? Apparently the others could sense my alarm and River walked over to sit next to me, resting her hand on mine to comfort me.
"It will all be explained soon. Pa I think it's time to tell the Coffee Story. Tell them what happened to the Kingdom. Tell them what Coco is trying to do, how we can help, and what part they have to play." River said and as she said this Julianna looked up.
"Did he find Oliver? Is that not what the first step is?"
"No...he did not Jules. But, that is okay. They must know. Within time we'll find Oliver and Coco. Tomorrow we will send the messengers to Box Manor to see if they have heard from Oliver. If he's managed to find them then he'll be safe there until Coco finds him. Once she finds him they'll know what to do. Once we are reunited with them then we can plan our next move." Al explained, "Now where to begin our tale? ...Oh yes. It all started ten years prior during at the climax of the Great War."
I am sitting around the fire, eating my warm bowl of soup as the three around me analyze the bean that I had let them see. Sure, I had just met these people, but they seemed to be expecting me and I had been looking for a group called them. This just seemed like I found them....I hope.
"We have deducted that this is in fact the bean that Coco had. Did you meet her? Do you know where she went?" Al finally asked me having still not explained who they were or why they wanted the bean.
"Who? Coco? The mysterious girl with red eyes that gave me the bean?"
"That sounds like her alright." the young girl chirped in.
"We wouldn't really say we met...she more so gave me the bean and told me to leave...told me to go...South and to find them and Oliver..."
"Oliver! Well, it really was her then. Well boy, did you find him?" Al asked as the other two looked over expectantly.
"Well no...I was going South when I stumbled upon your abode. I just accidentally found your place."
"Accidentally? Stumbled? Oh it's worse than we thought Pa!" the girl explained to Al and immediately I tensed up. What was happening? It's worse than we thought? WHAT?!
"So...I don't wanna dilly dally and waste y'alls time, but you still haven't explained who you are...or whats going on? Why did this Coco break into my house, tell me to go South, and give me this bean?"
"Ah, we have a lot of explaining to do and all of it will come in due time, but let's start with our names. I've told you already I'm Al, but most people call me Pa." Al explained and then gestured to the other two.
"I'm Joe and this is my sister River." Joe explained as River smiled politely, "And you are..." River began, but then a door that I had just noticed opened and a girl walked out followed closely behind by what appeared to be an injured boy. River jumped up and went over to hug the girl, Joe offered a seat to the two, and Al extended his hand to the boy.
"Oh good, it's nice for you two to finally join us Julianna. Hello there Winston, I'm Al." Al reached his hand out to shake Winston's. Winston half smiles and accepts it.
"You know who I am?"
"Of course we do, Winston. We've had Julianna watching over you for the past few years...well give or take that one year where she went missing." River explained in a dance-like manner as she seemed to hover around them.
"Watch over me? What?"
"Before we get too much into the story it's time for you to meet our other guest Winston...this is the one who brought us the bean!" Winston and I shook hands and I felt oddly ashamed that they were expecting me, but didn't seem to know my name, but had someone watching Winston and seemed to know his name. Was bringing this bean to them all I am worth? As I contemplated all I had heard, I retook a seat next to Winston and Julianna.
"I'm sure you boys are wondering why you are here and what's going on. Did you explain anything to Winston, Jules?" River asked bringing soup over to Winston.
"Not yet, but he knows what coffee tastes like for sure. You were right Pa, Coco had found him too." Julianna looked admirably at Al.
"Coffee? Yes! That amazing taste...but it almost cost me. Why is it illegal?" Winston asked and my eyes went wide. Coffee? An illegal drink? I had been carrying an illegal bean? What is this? Apparently the others could sense my alarm and River walked over to sit next to me, resting her hand on mine to comfort me.
"It will all be explained soon. Pa I think it's time to tell the Coffee Story. Tell them what happened to the Kingdom. Tell them what Coco is trying to do, how we can help, and what part they have to play." River said and as she said this Julianna looked up.
"Did he find Oliver? Is that not what the first step is?"
"No...he did not Jules. But, that is okay. They must know. Within time we'll find Oliver and Coco. Tomorrow we will send the messengers to Box Manor to see if they have heard from Oliver. If he's managed to find them then he'll be safe there until Coco finds him. Once she finds him they'll know what to do. Once we are reunited with them then we can plan our next move." Al explained, "Now where to begin our tale? ...Oh yes. It all started ten years prior during at the climax of the Great War."
Thursday, January 7, 2016
Box Manor
"Hey Oli, can you grab extra bread I think we'll have visitors today?" Jimmy asked Oliver as he headed out of our makeshift box hut. Oliver had been living with this motley crew that had welcomed him in for about three weeks now. He felt pretty accepted and part of this little family since that first bite of bread he took. Bread. That was the extent of their meals. Jimmy was the only one out of the five boys of Box Manor--a small "house" literally composed of boxes that different restaurants in the area had thrown was big enough for ten people and so had plenty of space only housing five--who had a job. Jimmy worked for a bread company and was always able to bring home any stale and left over bread items. They mostly drank water, but occasionally Peppers could get some nice, quality bottles of grape juice from the cute gas station clerk he would flirt with. Everyone had a way they could contribute to this little society. Jimmy and Peppers with the bread and juice, Jack collected boxes whenever they needed more, Dan always made sure to have wood for the fire pit, and Oliver now was called the waiter. Since he was the newest to the group until he could find what he was most useful with he was the one would collect things for people. This is why Oliver found himself gathering extra bread for these mysterious visitors.
In the three weeks that Oliver had been a part of Box Manor they had never had visitors. No one had phones and so Oliver had wondered how Jimmy could know that they were getting visitors. Jimmy was like that: He always knew when something new was going to happen. No one knew how he did, but he did. There was something else about this motley crew worth noting. Not only did they all contribute to their community through providing goods, but they all had gifts and skills like Jimmy's. Peppers was a very charismatic speaker and loved to teach the crew new concepts. Jack cared for the group, by that I mean that, he made sure everyone had what they needed and was always there to provide council if needed. Dan liked to start new things. Whenever Jimmy would tell him something new was happening then Dan would start making sure everything was ready for that new event. Oliver was still trying to figure out his place in all of this, but above all else he knew he was accepted here and that was good enough for now.
"Here they come!" Jimmy whispered to the group as Oliver had found his seat around the fire pit. All five boys looked over to see a couple walking towards them. They looked exhausted and confused. What was most surprising to see was that one of the two people approaching was a girl. They never had girls come find them and yet here she was. Dan naturally stood up to welcome them.
"Hi this Box Manor?" The girl asked and Dan nodded his head while asking them if they'd like to sit and have some bread.
"And who might y'all be?" Jack asked most likely preparing ways to make them feel most welcomed, just like he did the first time that Oliver had joined the group.
"I'm Coco and this is my brother Trevor." the girl calmly explained and Jimmy's ears perked up.
"Coco? You're Coco?" Jimmy asked surprised, "We certainly have been waiting for you...have you brought news?"
"That Oliver among you?" Coco asked and very hesitantly Oliver stood up.
"That's me." and before he could say anything else, Trevor burst out, "Oh Good! We thought we'd never find you. It was hard ya know. Luckily Br...Coco insisted we keep looking." Oliver looked at the other boys and this new couple with a quizzical look.
"Me? You were looking for me? Why me?"
"Of course we were Oliver. You are very important to all of us." This mysterious girl named Coco replied.
"Hey Oli, can you grab extra bread I think we'll have visitors today?" Jimmy asked Oliver as he headed out of our makeshift box hut. Oliver had been living with this motley crew that had welcomed him in for about three weeks now. He felt pretty accepted and part of this little family since that first bite of bread he took. Bread. That was the extent of their meals. Jimmy was the only one out of the five boys of Box Manor--a small "house" literally composed of boxes that different restaurants in the area had thrown was big enough for ten people and so had plenty of space only housing five--who had a job. Jimmy worked for a bread company and was always able to bring home any stale and left over bread items. They mostly drank water, but occasionally Peppers could get some nice, quality bottles of grape juice from the cute gas station clerk he would flirt with. Everyone had a way they could contribute to this little society. Jimmy and Peppers with the bread and juice, Jack collected boxes whenever they needed more, Dan always made sure to have wood for the fire pit, and Oliver now was called the waiter. Since he was the newest to the group until he could find what he was most useful with he was the one would collect things for people. This is why Oliver found himself gathering extra bread for these mysterious visitors.
In the three weeks that Oliver had been a part of Box Manor they had never had visitors. No one had phones and so Oliver had wondered how Jimmy could know that they were getting visitors. Jimmy was like that: He always knew when something new was going to happen. No one knew how he did, but he did. There was something else about this motley crew worth noting. Not only did they all contribute to their community through providing goods, but they all had gifts and skills like Jimmy's. Peppers was a very charismatic speaker and loved to teach the crew new concepts. Jack cared for the group, by that I mean that, he made sure everyone had what they needed and was always there to provide council if needed. Dan liked to start new things. Whenever Jimmy would tell him something new was happening then Dan would start making sure everything was ready for that new event. Oliver was still trying to figure out his place in all of this, but above all else he knew he was accepted here and that was good enough for now.
"Here they come!" Jimmy whispered to the group as Oliver had found his seat around the fire pit. All five boys looked over to see a couple walking towards them. They looked exhausted and confused. What was most surprising to see was that one of the two people approaching was a girl. They never had girls come find them and yet here she was. Dan naturally stood up to welcome them.
"Hi this Box Manor?" The girl asked and Dan nodded his head while asking them if they'd like to sit and have some bread.
"And who might y'all be?" Jack asked most likely preparing ways to make them feel most welcomed, just like he did the first time that Oliver had joined the group.
"I'm Coco and this is my brother Trevor." the girl calmly explained and Jimmy's ears perked up.
"Coco? You're Coco?" Jimmy asked surprised, "We certainly have been waiting for you...have you brought news?"
"That Oliver among you?" Coco asked and very hesitantly Oliver stood up.
"That's me." and before he could say anything else, Trevor burst out, "Oh Good! We thought we'd never find you. It was hard ya know. Luckily Br...Coco insisted we keep looking." Oliver looked at the other boys and this new couple with a quizzical look.
"Me? You were looking for me? Why me?"
"Of course we were Oliver. You are very important to all of us." This mysterious girl named Coco replied.
Two Teams
"Do you have the bean?" I heard a muffled voice ask as I began to reach consciousness. Before opening my eyes I could smell a fire coming from nearby. I opened my eyes hesitantly and found myself looking at my Julianna, my dearest friend who I had escaped from the Monastery with. What happened? I know we escaped but, I don't remember what happened afterwards...did somebody knock me out? I looked around and saw candles lit all around me, I was laying down on a makeshift bed that felt like it was composed of logs and we appeared to be in a cave. I went to sit up, but could barely move.
"Oh good you're awake!" Julianna exclaimed as she reached over to me and rubbed my face with a damp cloth. I tried to speak to her and my lips moved, but nothing came out. What's wrong with me?
"What's wrong? Can't speak or move yet?" She asked, but I could tell she already knew the answer.
"I'll have you nursed back to help in no time...I bet you're wondering what happened, huh?" She smiled, walked out of sight for a few brief seconds, and returned with a hot cup of something that smelled delicious. That smell...what is it...I have smelled it! The forbidden bean. As I realized what this amazing smell was, Julianna began to help me drink it. As the coffee slowly dripped down my throat I began to feel more energized. I felt the caffeine within me. I managed a smile.
"The moment I saw you out of your room at the Monastery I knew that Coco had found you too..." Coco...the mysterious girl in the market place that sold that coffee to me and introduced me to it right before everything else happened...the blood that was on the floor and my forehead...I still don't seem to remember what had happened. "I had heard rumors about you, ya know. While I was locked up I had overheard the Higher Ups talking about you, They kept saying that Ole' Winston was acting up, they were worried about you..." Ole' Winston? Higher Ups? Who the Masters of the Monastery? While she was locked up? Is that where she was? Why?
"Oh, I suppose you didn't know I was locked up...well that's a long story for when you are fully recovered." Julianna smiled at me as she answered the quizzical look in my eyes. She winked at me, "But, you should be recovered soon and then you can meet everyone else on our team. We are so glad we found you. We just need to find Oliver and Coco and we can make our next move." Move? What? Oliver? Team? I wondered again where I was and what was happening, but yet I knew I could trust Julianna. I always had.
I looked anxiously at Stelle who gave me a look back that seemed to suggest that whatever it was we were going to be offered, if it seemed to let us go free we should take it...
"Do you have the bean?" I heard a muffled voice ask as I began to reach consciousness. Before opening my eyes I could smell a fire coming from nearby. I opened my eyes hesitantly and found myself looking at my Julianna, my dearest friend who I had escaped from the Monastery with. What happened? I know we escaped but, I don't remember what happened afterwards...did somebody knock me out? I looked around and saw candles lit all around me, I was laying down on a makeshift bed that felt like it was composed of logs and we appeared to be in a cave. I went to sit up, but could barely move.
"Oh good you're awake!" Julianna exclaimed as she reached over to me and rubbed my face with a damp cloth. I tried to speak to her and my lips moved, but nothing came out. What's wrong with me?
"What's wrong? Can't speak or move yet?" She asked, but I could tell she already knew the answer.
"I'll have you nursed back to help in no time...I bet you're wondering what happened, huh?" She smiled, walked out of sight for a few brief seconds, and returned with a hot cup of something that smelled delicious. That smell...what is it...I have smelled it! The forbidden bean. As I realized what this amazing smell was, Julianna began to help me drink it. As the coffee slowly dripped down my throat I began to feel more energized. I felt the caffeine within me. I managed a smile.
"The moment I saw you out of your room at the Monastery I knew that Coco had found you too..." Coco...the mysterious girl in the market place that sold that coffee to me and introduced me to it right before everything else happened...the blood that was on the floor and my forehead...I still don't seem to remember what had happened. "I had heard rumors about you, ya know. While I was locked up I had overheard the Higher Ups talking about you, They kept saying that Ole' Winston was acting up, they were worried about you..." Ole' Winston? Higher Ups? Who the Masters of the Monastery? While she was locked up? Is that where she was? Why?
"Oh, I suppose you didn't know I was locked up...well that's a long story for when you are fully recovered." Julianna smiled at me as she answered the quizzical look in my eyes. She winked at me, "But, you should be recovered soon and then you can meet everyone else on our team. We are so glad we found you. We just need to find Oliver and Coco and we can make our next move." Move? What? Oliver? Team? I wondered again where I was and what was happening, but yet I knew I could trust Julianna. I always had.
I awoke to find myself strapped to a chair with two men in lab coats staring at me. Where's Stelle? I thought anxiously, but quickly noticed she was in the same predicament right next to me.
"What do you know? Who are you? How'd you find us?" The taller man asked us.
"We discovered these mysterious doors on our college campus and they led us here...We don't know where we are or anything about this place..." I explained always truthful, I looked over to see Stelle glaring at me. What? Did she want me to lie to these strangers who held us captive...
"Doors? College campus? How? That doesn't make any sense...We aren't connected to any colleges. Are you lying?" The second, shorter, lab coat said. The two men exchange looks.
"This must be something that Director knows about." The taller one suggested and they both left the room without anymore comment.
"What is happening right now?" I looked anxiously at Stelle.
"Way to tell them all we know! We could've used it as leverage to get more information out of them."
"Leverage? What? Stelle, we have been captured by who knows what and they can do who knows what to us and you want to leverage them?"
"I don't know Trev it was an idea...better then nothing. What do we do?"
"Anything to get out of here I suppose..." As I was finishing my sentence a tall, stout, professional looking woman walked in. She was wearing a pantsuit and had her brown hair pulled back. This woman must be the Director.
"I hear you two have found the doors to get to our Monastery. I have gone through great lengths to keep those hidden, but clearly I was not good enough. Who sent you?" She addressed us directly.
"No one, we found it ourselves." I answered truthfully again, "honestly, we just accidentally stumbled upon it." The Director looked us up and down.
" you're new faces and know nothing about this place..." She said as if she was talking to herself more than us, "Well then I have a proposition for you that may just save your lives."
I looked anxiously at Stelle who gave me a look back that seemed to suggest that whatever it was we were going to be offered, if it seemed to let us go free we should take it...
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